Monday Motivation: #1

This is a powerful quote, and something we don’t hear enough these days.

We live in a society that, more than ever, tells us we must conform. Go to college. Get the job. Fit in the box. Live a neat, tidy, quiet, still little life.

But for many of us, it is this conformity that crushes our soul, bleeds out all the little colors that make our human spirit so spectacular.

So, as you prepare for the new year, and begin to list promise after promise to yourself, don’t forget this one:

Promise yourself in the new year that you will follow your heart, chase after your dreams, no matter where it may lead. That you will let your human soul fly free into the unchartered wilds of pure happiness.

Do not be afraid of judgement or uncertainty. Do not follow the dreams and designs of those who cannot and do not truly know your innermost secrets and desires.

Follow your heart, that goodly and pure human heart that seeks to do good, and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime. Do what scares you most and raises the pulse. Find that moment of utter belonging and tranquility, be it painting, singing, dancing, sword fighting. Do what makes you happy in this new year. The possibilities are endless.

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